POSC Musings
This week brings us two great readings from Julia Gillard and Melinda Gates. Gillard has been at the forefront of the discussion about women and leadership and Gates similarly on the role of gender equality.
Julia Gillard’s new book, Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons was co-authored with former Nigerian Finance Minister and former Managing Director of Operations for the World Bank Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and shares the experiences of some of the world’s most high profile female leaders. From their broad experience on the world stage in politics, economics and global not-for-profits, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Julia Gillard have some strong ideas about the impact of gender on the treatment of leaders. Featuring Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Clinton, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Theresa May, Michelle Bachelet, Joyce Banda, Erna Solberg, Christine Lagarde and more.
Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons by Julia Gillard and Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Melinda Gates sets out a path to how gender equality must be at the core of the world’s response to Covid-19, in recovery and rebuild in a comprehensive policy paper published this week in Foreign Affairs. Read the full article here: The Pandemic’s Toll on Women – COVID-19 Is Gender-Blind, But Not Gender-Neutral
“Every day brings new examples of the ways in which women are being left behind by the world’s response to the pandemic. There are women in labor being turned away from overburdened hospitals; domestic workers whose lost income won’t be replaced by stimulus funding; adolescent girls who cannot continue their education online because their communities frown at the sight of a phone in the hands of a woman.
“Gender-blind is not gender-neutral” is a refrain among advocates for women and girls. In this crucial moment, it must also be a call to action. If policymakers ignore the ways that the disease and its impacts are affecting men and women differently, they risk prolonging the crisis and slowing economic recovery. But if they use this emergency as an opportunity to replace old systems with new and better ones, countries can build back more prosperous, more prepared, and more equal.”
The Pandemic’s Toll on Women – COVID-19 Is Gender-Blind, But Not Gender-Neutral by Melinda Gates
- Published in Readings